Steve Carell rocks, so does this film and the rest of the fabulous cast
24 March 2007
(Read this with a haughty British accent) This delightful little comedy eschewed the easy laughs and simplistic humor in order to focus on the oft hilarious personalities of its various members. Gay Uncle and erstwhile Proust scholar Frank played with dry wit by Steve Carrell tied together the misfit family. Father is bankrupt and selling a 9 steps to success program. Mopy Oldest Son reads Nietzche and has taken a vow of silence until he gets into the Airforce. Crass Grandpa has been ejected from a rest home; he decided that since he's old, he might as well snort heroin. And little Olive with her rotund child's belly wants to be in beauty pageants. Oh the sheer mix of the quirky interactions brought joy to my heart.

(Read this with your best stoner's voice) Dude, Little Miss Sunshine rocked. It is sooo unlike all the crap Hollywood usually puts out, there was no sappy love story, no victory at the end, just weird people hanging out, doing their thing and trying to avoid killing each other. The dance at the end was awesome and I almost fell off the couch when the grandpa told the oldest son that he should hook up with lots of chicks while he's young. You've gotta see it.

This movie is like Squirt, my favorite grapefruit flavored soda. I don't drink Squirt often, it is sometimes difficult to find, but when I do I love the tartness of the grapefruit mixed with the sweetness from the sugar (high-fructose corn syrup really). It can quench the tickle in the back of my throat like no other. The carbonation often surprises my nose as I take a drink and makes it light and airy. After a sip, I feel refreshed and quenched. 8/10

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