A Stunning Disappointment
3 April 2007
How could this have happened? How could we have received to epic 3D Zelda games(Ocarina and Windwaker), only to get this "dud" of a game? After all the delays and years of waiting, how come we're left with this? Oh yeah, that's right, Nintendo just remade Ocarina with better graphics, and a re-hashed soundtrack. To be frank, I am utterly disappointed in this game.

Twilight Princess fails on many levels. No more so than it's atrocious story line. Pretty much every Zelda has a pretty good plot, but not this one. In TP, they've added an uninteresting, confusing, jumbled tale that will bore you by game's end, and leave you unsatisfied.

Zelda has always been known for it's outstanding melodies, and orchestra. For some reason though, new music really wasn't created. No, instead we're left with remixes of Ocarina tunes that were released about eight years ago. And, it's a pretty sad thing too, because based on the game's setting and massive environments it just screams for a truly outstanding chorus, and we are not given that.

As if it isn't bad enough already, Twilight Princess just isn't that fun to play. And since the game takes about anywhere between 30-50 hours to complete, you'll feel like it keeps dragging on with no conclusion in sight.

TP doesn't fail on all levels though. The visuals, though they clearly look dated, are somewhat impressive, especially the water effects. Also, the game translates very well onto Wii, and controls, for the most part, are very fluid. But, sadly, these things aren't enough to save this uneventful, pale and just overall bad game.
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