Marion Davies at forty in her last film role...
9 April 2007
In this harmless bit of fluff, MARION DAVIES plays a secretary who is so pressured by men making passes at her that she decides to make herself into a frump in order to get a secretarial job that she can hold based on skill alone. Naturally, she falls in love with her boss (a youthful looking ROBERT MONTGOMERY), and the fun develops in seeing how the relationship between Davies and Montgomery will fare once she becomes his dowdy secretary.

Davies is just a little too mature for the role of a fledgling secretary more suitable for a much younger actress. But she's a good sport about donning a "homely" disguise in order to get the secretarial position with the firm interested only in hiring unattractive girls.

There's plenty of comedy relief although it's not all that funny. Warner filled the cast with contract players like FRANK McHUGH, PATSY KELLY and ALLEN JENKINS--but the picture's central plot depends on whether you enjoy the repartee between Montgomery and Davies once she turns up as his unlikely secretary.

Unfortunately, it soon becomes obvious that the screwball aspect (which had possibilities) is stifled by some absurd dialog and foolish situations that are not only incredible but unfunny as played by Davies especially. Montgomery has the more believable role as the playboy boss and does it with his customary professionalism in light comedy.

There's an antique flavor to the script when you hear Allen Jenkins come up with a line like, "Did you know gasoline has gone up to 3 cents a gallon?" Unfortunately, none of the comedy seems spontaneous enough or really works, so it's just as well that Miss Davies made a graceful exit from the screen around this time. Any more films like this and her career would have been over anyway.

Neither PATSY KELLY nor ALLEN JENKINS is doing anything more than wasting their time in this silly effort. Montgomery comes off best, but it's certainly not a shining hour for anyone.
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