An Underrated Gem!
22 April 2007
I first saw "A High Wind in Jamaica" in the late sixties one evening on late night TV. It's a compelling, realistic, well-filmed action movie with outstanding performances by Anthony Quinn and James Coburn and a fast-paced, exciting storyline. It even features a brief appearance by Gert Frobe, of "Goldfinger" fame.

Despite the presence of young children and pirates, it's definitely not a children's movie. There are dark undertones and some surprisingly adult themes. Quinn and Coburn give first rate performances as pirates who inadvertently kidnap a group of British children on their way back to Great Britain from Jamaica after a storm...but this film belongs to Deborah Baxter. Her performance as the feisty Emily is absolutely mesmerizing. It's hard to imagine she only made two movies (she plays Teddy Roosevelt's daughter in "The Wind and The Lion"). Her acting seems well beyond her years. I guarantee it's a performance that will stick with you long after the final credits.

I highly recommend this film.
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