I Like Spaghetti Westerns, but Oh Boy...
16 May 2007
As a long time fan of Eurowesterns, I'm inclined to find something of value in even the most pathetic of efforts. THREE SILVER DOLLARS, though, took me two sittings to get through. It's an average film at best, with very little to recommend it except to the die-hard SW fan. Charles Southwood stars as Alan, one of his first roles, and it's easy to see why he was chosen as the lead; he's handsome in a traditional movie way, blonde, even features, a touch of charisma. He looks like a slighter Richard Harrison, and should have been better as a star of westerns; perhaps he just wasn't that interested in a film career. Julian Mateos is okay as Hondo, a Mexican cell mate of Alan's who wants to team up with him on his search for the gold, the three bucks in the title being the key to the treasure. There is an okay theme song which is used again and again, and Mirko Ellis rants and raves as the villain, the mysterious El Condor. The dubbing is particularly bad on this one, as the love interest, a half-Mexican girl, sounds like a street-wise film noir broad. Also, incredibly, the line "What's a girl like you doing in a place like this?" is used seriously. I guess it's a sign of a bad movie when the best thing about it is the silver dollar props they used. Southwood is seen to much better effect in SARTANA'S HERE; TRADE YOUR PISTOL FOR A COFFIN, teamed up with George Hilton.
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