Review of Wild Journey

Land of the Giants: Wild Journey (1970)
Season 2, Episode 24
Every Single Cast Member Is Great But We Have A Problem
17 May 2007
Wild Journey wastes no time in getting into the story as the opening frames of the teaser deal with "the little people" discovering two time travellers.

Early in act one we are already in the guts of the story about two of "the little people" going back to earth before the tragic blast off. Bruce Dern is very pleasing in his attempts to bring reality to such a way out script, his casual style of speech is in contrast to the more tense tones of previous Giants time traveller Warren Stevens. This is my second favourite Yvonne Craig performance (after Star Trek) as she does a great job of making the viewer think she has been partnered with Dern for years. They behave like a couple.

I get the odd feeling that ABC took one look at the script and said "This is Land Of The Giants with no giants?" and writer William Welch may have responded with "Well, okay, when Steve and Dan go back to earth I will make them even more little". I hated this when I was a kid and I still hate it today. Turning Steve and Dan into "little people" on earth is a really stupid idea which does mild damage to the show.

But this is Land Of The Giants, one of the greatest TV shows ever made, so I can forgive this small problem in the script.
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