I hated "Ocean's 11," I hated "Ocean's 12"....
9 June 2007
...but I loved this movie. So take it from me. Being that I wasn't a fan of the previous two movies, I was mainly wanted to see it because Al Pacino's in the cast. Well, as usual, Al gives a fine performance, but that wasn't the main reason I liked it. I don't know what this film has that the other films lacked, but it just clicked for me. The story was tight, the gags worked, I loved the fast-paced, quick-witted dialogue (the characters speak like those out of a 1950's movie), and there were only a few dull moments. This time I actually found myself cheering for the guys to pull off the heist. Everyone in the cast gave it their all, never upstaging one another. Maybe part of what worked was the absence of dull subplots. I didn't care much for the relationship between George Clooney and Julia Roberts in the original film. This film mainly focuses on the big score. So go see the film! It's a great popcorn flick that never drags. It's all you can ask out of a summer blockbuster.
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