Way Out West (1937)
Not Enough Humor From Stan & Ollie
13 June 2007
Being someone who usually laughs at the antics of Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy, the most amazing thing about this movie was that it was just great.....until the two stars showed up! I couldn't believe it. They actually slowed the movie down. Well, you can't win 'em all.

The opening five minutes was really terrific, featuring wild scenes in a saloon. "Wild" as in a shootout scene and wild as in wild women. Those female singers and dancers were beautiful. The woman who played the female lead in the film, Sharon Lynn ("Lola") really captured my eye.

But once the boys appeared, the comedy actually slowed down and after over a half hour of almost no laughs, I almost canned it, but it picked up in the second half and we even saw Stan and OIlie do a little "soft shoe," but I got this for the comedy, not dancing.

Humor is in the eye of the beholder and I sure am in the minority here on this movie, but I didn't find this one of L&H's "funniest" films at all. To me, there was far more drama and music than comedy in here. The old-time comics, with the exception of Groucho Mark, were best doing slapstick. Sorry, but this movie was not as good as advertised. It just wasn't very funny.
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