Way Down in the Corn is another funny Fox and Crow outing
13 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Way Down in the Corn is another Fox and Crow cartoon entry for Columbia Pictures. Tired of having to chase the Crow from his garden, the Fox reads in the book "How to Fox a Crow" that Crows are scared of scarecrows which the Crow confirms to us on screen. Fox puts out an ad and Crow answers disguised as scarecrow. The deal is negotiated as "25 cents an hour plus overtime, you highway robber". The crow-as-scarecrow is almost fired when he's caught eating all the corn but since the grapes were saved he gets another chance and is invited for dinner which he eats all of after locking the Fox in the safe with dynamite! When the bandaged Fox later listens to the radio and finds out the truth from the announcer, he vows to get even and dresses as "Sidney Scarecrow" with an ax and startles Crow as he runs for his life. It all ends on a roller-coaster when, just before they go down a real steep track, the Crow-mentioning that the cartoon is almost over-tells the Fox he's sorry and what a great straight man he is which the Fox feels bashful about and they hold each other for dear life as they hurl through the camera glass just before the Columbia torch lady shows up...Another funny Fox and Crow entry from Coumbia Pictures with what looks like stylized painted backgrounds that precede UPA (whose cartoons Columbia distributed) by about 5 years. I was especially impressed by the medium shot of the Fox as Sidney Scarecrow with an ax as he was startling the Crow in bed. Also loved the closing shot of the Fox and Crow in close-up as they were heading towards the camera lens along with the visual and sound effects of glass breaking. Well worth seeing for animation buffs.
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