Review of Sssssss

Sssssss (1973)
Beyond Bottom of the Barrel
16 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
A negligible incursion into the science-fiction horror movie with a strong 1950s feel, SSSSSSS (yes, seven of them, purportedly to mimic the sibilant sound of hissing snakes make) attempts, rather stupidly, to tell a tale of a mad scientist (Strother Martin) and his pet project (Dirk Benedict). The premise: Martin is looking for an lab assistant, focuses on dim-bulb Benedict who comes along for the ride, gets special "inoculation injections" (there's a term for you) that will immunize him from possible snake bites, and gets slowly turned into a King Cobra. There's virtually zero suspense, a silly love story involving Heather Menzies in a trademark Seventies shag and bad eyeglasses, an inexplicably covered up nude scene, a little bit of beefcake thrown in early on, and no third act to boot.
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