This movie is fantastic
23 June 2007
Jack Oblivian. Mike Maker. Guitar wolf for god's sake. I'll tell you this much, the blood of angels is Schlitz. You think about that.

This movie is not for everyone, in fact there's a good chance you'll overlook it and move along. But slow down for pete's sake, else you're gonna miss a great sci-fi action exploitation film with heart. Production issues aside, The Sore Loser's is a great, if somewhat convoluted, comic book movie with an amazing soundtrack. The music alone is well worth the viewing. I ordered a copy of this video, Jesus Christ, ten years ago (how did that happen?), and it contained a number music videos by the "Oblivians". If you haven't heard them, well you better make a to do list and get your act together. Anyway, I'm not sure if they are still included with the film (hell i don't even know if you can still get a copy of the movie at all anymore actually)

I'll tell you this much America, if you find yourself finding fault with the cinematography and sound editing, then your missing the point, but again, it's not gonna be for everyone. However, if you're someone who likes old John Waters movies like "Female Trouble" and "Pink Flamingos", then get a copy of this film.

Did I tell you about the angel's blood being Schlitz. I wasn't kidding about that.
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