Pervert! (2005)
a smile or two and an eyeful
12 July 2007
I wasn't expecting too much from this, although there are some extravagant claims by some, but at only 80 minutes reckoned I couldn't go too wrong. The jokey start gave me slight cause for concern but then we were off and by the end of the marvellous corn on the cob licking scene, I was all set for some silly sexy fun. The scene at the garage comes as a surprise and with the director himself playing the mechanic things get a bit harder edged. Fine. But all the time there are these little diversionary bits and bobs and I wonder if I'm the only one not finding everything as hilariously funny as the film makers clearly do. The lurch into slasher/horror territory is not unwelcome but the 'humour' increasingly comes across as silliness and prevents the nastiness from developing. About halfway through and I'd had it and although resigned to watch it through felt it was becoming more and more childish. Always good to look at and very competently made, the material just wasn't worth all the effort. My critical stance has become slightly measured after listening to the director/writer commentary and whilst it's hardly fair to rate a movie on the strength of its commentary, it did make me feel more inclined to give the benefit of doubt. It is by no means a perfect film or even a decent exploitation movie but it is well directed and edited and approached the right way many could get a smile or two and an eyeful over a beer or three.
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