Review of Intimacy

Intimacy (2001)
More depressing than sexy
21 July 2007
My husband is currently watching this film which we rented, which he seems to be enjoying. Maybe it's just my mood tonight, but I found this film unwatchable. Literally. I had to leave the room -- something I NEVER do when my husband and I are watching a film together. I found it irritating. The characters were so unsympathetic, dysfunctional and frankly boring, I couldn't work up enough interest to care about them, even in a literary sense. As I was watching the sex scenes I thought "I SHOULD be finding this erotic" but I wasn't -- probably because I didn't these like or care about them. (I guess that's the difference between "women's porn" and "men's porn.") I thought the entire mood of the movie was dark, depressing and that the characters had sex just to reassure themselves they were alive. To me, that's sad and pathetic and depressing, not erotic. Hey, call me a romantic.

To each his/her own, I guess.

Watch it for the sex scenes if you like, but for me, there wasn't much else in terms of interesting plot lines or character. I think it's boring and frequently painful to watch.

PS The movie is over. I asked my husband if HE liked it, since he watched it to the end. His answer was NO. He read this review, and he agrees. A waste of time.
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