Not Impressed
26 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
First off I played this on Game Cube not Wii - so whether the experience differs from the consoles and Wii's unique control system would make it better is unknown.

Graphically this is average. I saw horrible near 90 degree angle and sharp corners on cliff edges and desending into almost flat 3D areas. Link looks much better looking more like he did in Ocarina of Time, along with Zelda and other returning characters. But it still did not look as good as it could have. The unique cell shading of Wind Waker looked superb and rounded - despite not the right look for Zelda.

The music and sounds were very lackluster - usually one of the best elements of Zelda - with the standard Zelda music not even making an appearance - least until the end of the credits. The music was a mishmash of old Zelda 3 and Ocarina Music - which I think is just lazy. The sounds were average - but nothing I didn't hear on N64 nearly 10 years ago.

The Gameplay was just about the same as Ocarina - meaning good right? Wrong - the Game Cube version's Z Targeting is atrocious. It looses lock on at vital moments unlike Ocarinas brilliant targeting! The use of weapons was stuff that we have seen prior and was identical - so good! The use of the Horse was a step up from Ocarina - with on horse combat and several on horse battles - including with the final battle with Gannon. There was proper sword play - and assuming on Wii would be better - but I found this fun. Enemies who parry, block and counter - making it like a proper fight with some enemies.

The look of Hyrule is OK - but could of looked more like the classic Hyrule of Ocarina - even with the expansion of the land size.

My biggest gripe with this game is actually one of the main things in it - the wolf and Twighlight stuff. Whenever getting transformed into the wolf and having that annoying creature riding you and constantly chatting and taking the Link literally out of the game. Later you can swap but have to resort to the wolf to solve certain parts. I really disliked this element and removing it and making a more Ocarina/ Windwaker / Zelda 3 style game would of made this a whole lot better.

The Story was very confusing and never had the real threat the other Zelda games had and this King Zant character was just rubbish - the programmers almost threw Gannon in at the end to almost save it. And soon as he arrives and the annoying character who is with you is kicked out and you team with Zelda - it picks up straight away.

The classic side quests felt almost missed - yes they are there - but not so blatant as the others that you really have to go out of your way to get them and they don't feel like they contribute much to the overall quest unlike other Zelda games where they all added up to good reward that proved helpful later in game. These didn't. I bought the magic armour and never used it - not once - just a waste. Costumes of old had a part to play or contributed - like the red shirt in Ocarina made you heat resitant - this was just a waste.

Longitivity - I sadly don't feel the need to play this game again. After the stupidly long ending credits - there was nothing- the so called story didn't tie up and did't show much conclusion or resolution and worst of all no ending sequence making no worthwhile reward for your hard work. Then you can't save at the end to get a status or chance to gain 100% after. I like games with stats to tell you % of game completed etc to know how well you do.

I think Nintendo really let their greatest franchise down with this - maybe they rushed it to get it out for the Wii - considering Zelda was largely ignored on Cube for stupid Mario games - this was a sad let down. Maybe the Wii version is better - but on game Cube this was a sad let down to perhaps a let down console that showed so much potential.
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