Rear Window is a reference, but that's about as esteemed as this salacious "thriller" is concerned.
16 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Made in the late 70's, midst an uninhibited generation, we get this piece of ass; err.. sleaze, replete with a disco-faux-horror soundtrack. Throw in a dash of kitsch atmospherics on a budget, a psychological framework Freud might be proud of, plenty of ogling, an incestuous plot twist, and you've got the core details that form this piece of visual excrement marauding under the Giallo banner. Actually, it's not completely terrible.

Fernando Rey plays the role of a crippled writer living with his mistress Olga (Played by Olga Bisera--Who you may know from "Women in Cell Block 7".) Together, they spy on Arturo (John Phillip Law), who rented the apartment on their estate. Using a built in spy contraption, somewhat like a telescope, Ivano persuades Olga not only to look at the man next door but to become interested in him sexually and psychologically. After all, Ivano needs inspiration for his penning and he can no longer please his lady...

Enter Ottavio. The butler of the household who maintains a fetish for Olga, young girls, and most of all: Pubic hair!

So Olga falls for the murderous--First scene calling--Pseudo intellectual man of mystery Arturo. You know, despite seeing him manhandled by another male who followed him home from a disco, heh. Romance blossoms as Ivano becomes jealous, much like in the past, as the twisting plot line reveals in the end, as relates to his paralysis and one man's familial desires. But who needs all that when the creepy butler is prowling around forcing himself onto young lasses? Needless to say, I found him to be the most disturbing/interesting character. In my universe, that counts.

Anyways, this is Petrelli's first and last film, for which i'm thankful. Thankfully he didn't feel the need to direct again after giving his audience an interesting yet failed attempt at a somewhat unique angle on the genre. An oddity it is & one not fully realized...

Hooray for sexually dysfunctional orientation and voyeuristic perversion !
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