I'm Reed Fish (2006)
A sweet gentle movie.
9 September 2007
This film has more in common with a Lifetime cable film than a standard theatrical release. The small budget and short shooting schedule show.

The story seems padded and bogs down at times. The incident that causes the rift that is the backbone of the script comes out of left field and is not very believable even in the context of the film. There must be a reason why the goofy guy gets two hot babes to fall for him; just don't ask me what it is. The script doesn't flesh it out and it becomes merely a plot point. Reed Fish's "demons" are mentioned but are only presented in a superficially way.

In my opinion, more time should have been spent in humanizing the main characters and less time on the zorse. Still, the "shaggy dog" part of the script was refreshing and added a depth to an otherwise familiar story.

The actors are all type cast, but very good at what they do. Alexis Bledel and Schuyer Fisk are adorably amazing. Jay Baruchel once again does an nice job as a schlub. DJ Qualls, AJ Cook and Katey Sagal have their moments.

Forget the hype. It is not a sexy laugh riot. But if you're looking to spend 93 minutes with a pleasant cast and a flawed (but agreeable) script, "I'm Reed Fish" is a good place to visit.
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