Captivity (2007)
great film for "HOW NOT TO DIRECT A MOVIE"
13 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
the flow of this film was horrible. It got to the point where i had to watch just to see how bad it got. what was so bad? Obvious mistakes that could be simply corrected by not drinking while directing the movie. (warning scene spoilers) (1.) In the beginning, she watches a video of her capture, which the "lone psycho" grows a 3rd arm and films a pass through the van to end up at a shot of himself driving. (2.) when trying to escape through the air-duct, the psycho lowers a camera to see the captive, through which you see his own eye when looking at it? I've seen something similar on a looney toons cartoon. (3.) when the "glass wall" between the two captives is painted, they have to yell and mime to each other though small scraped areas, but when the area is scraped bigger the seem to be able to hear each other better too. (4.) After yelling through the scraped area to each, the male prisoner simply moves upward to speak normally to her through a vent. (5.) as they are speaking in this scene he uses a match that can burn out and then re-extend itself. (7.) the "unrealness" of the calm, almost normal "how did you get here?" conversation seemed horribly out of place. (6.) after this scene then can just talk to each other normally through the glass, and even from across their rooms. (7.) with all this conversation between each other, why did he not say anything at the beginning when the girl freaks out and screams her head off? 8,9,10..... too many to list, but fun to watch to see how many you can pick out. the whole film is kinda like a "where's waldo" of bad scenes. As to whether or not it's a rip-off of other movies...well how many ways are there to do a story of captured and/or tortured victim/s.

The movie is at least up front of what it is about, just don't expect it to be good.
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