Eye of the Beast (2007 TV Movie)
Conventional but fun monster movie
27 September 2007
The first thing to do when approaching this picture is to accept that it is a thoroughly conventional low budget monster flick with zero originality .This need not be a problem when the standard ingredients of its type are served up with some professionalism and style and this is the case here. The Beast of the title is a giant squid which is chomping its way through the fishing grounds near a small Canadian township which depends upon fish for its economic well being and as a result the place has fallen upon hard times .A researcher has been sent from a government organisation to investigate the cause of the poor catches and meets with some hostility from the local residents who fear he may advise shutting down the whole fishing area .There is also a deal of racial tension between the majority white population and the Native peoples ,who are firmly convinced of the existence of the squid . Stir into the mix a newly elected female sheriff of Native ancestry and the usual "Jaws" inspired debate between opposing factions about closing down the main industry or carrying on as normal and you have a standard tale redeemed by some decent special effects and competent performances . Its no world beater but it is watchable and professionally done
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