Review of Pervert!

Pervert! (2005)
As low brow as a film can get.
6 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Pervert! starts as James (Sean Andrews) arrives at his father's ranch after a term in college, he plans to stay there for the summer. His father Hezekiah (Darrell Sandeen) has shacked up with the ample chested young girl Cheryl (Mary Carey) who happens to be young enough to be his daughter, James & Cheryl quickly fall for each other & have sex, lots of it. Hezekiah finds out, the next morning & Cheryl has mysteriously disappeared. Hezekiah quickly finds another young girl Alisha (Sally Jean), she to falls for his son James & she too disappears although both her's & Cheryl's dead bodies eventually turn up much to Hezekiah's & James' surprise. Who, or what killed them & why?

Co-produced & directed by Jonathan Yudis who also appears in the film as the greasy gay car mechanic this is an unashamed homage, or rip-off whichever way you look at it, of the exploitation/sexploitation films of the 70's & 80's & I can see how some might like it but I personally didn't think much of it. The script by co-producer Mike Davis certainly tries to pack in as many bad taste gags, bare breasts, nudity, sex, cheap looking gore & silly plot twists in it's slight 80 odd minute duration as it can which in a way makes it watchable on a stupid juvenile level. If you think the idea of seeing a pretty girl torturing a man by sticking her bum in his face & farting, watching a big burly man (played by director Yudis) literally drop kick his young son like he was a football or seeing an evil stop-motion animated penis with a face trying to murder people sounds funny then you'll love Pervert!, if however you like your entertainment with a little more class then this is not the film for you. At just over 80 minutes it moves along at a fast pace, I will admit there's always something happening as it's pretty successful at what it sets out to do. Unfortunately I didn't like the pre pubescent jokes which are a naughty school boys dream come true, I have to say I didn't laugh once during Pervert! & in fact I didn't even smile either. Take away all the silliness & homages the actual story is terrible with some awful plot twists & character's.

Director Yudis shoots this on what looks like a camcorder, it's certainly not shot on film. There are loads of naked female breasts although no full frontal nudity. The blood & gore isn't anything to shout about, there's a decapitated head & some very watery looking blood. The film is quite annoying to watch at times, there's loads of comedy sound effects, stupid editing, random shots of naked women that have nothing to do with anything & pretty low production values.

I'd have thought this was pretty low budget, no one of any note is in it & it looks cheap with a terrible looking sop-motion animated penis. I kid you not. The acting is rubbish, I didn't recognise anyone in it although I wouldn't be surprised if some of the girls in this were better know for porn film.

Pervert! can be quite fun in a really low brow juvenile camp sort of way, as a dramatic film it's absolutely worthless though & apart from the exploitation/bad movie crowd this isn't going to really appeal to anyone. I thought it was worth a one off watch but I doubt I'll want to see it again.
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