Different but Campy Retelling of the Romero's Classic "Night of the Living Dead".
9 October 2007
Barb (Brianna Brown) and her brother Johnny (Ken Ward) are traveling for the funeral of their aunt. But once, they are in the cemetery. There's strange human beings are attacking them and Johnny left his sister alone out of fear. Now Barb is running from her life and he finds help from a guy on his motorbike named Ben (Joshua DesRoches). She goes along with him on his bike to a near farmhouse owned by Harry Cooper (Greg Travis) for help. But Harry's farm isn't what it seems to be and getting help is out of the question. But there's more violent human beings are attacking the farm house. Barb, Ben, Harry, Harry's wife (Johanna Black), Owen (Adam Chambers), Harry's daughter (Alynia Phillips), Tom (Max Williams) and Judy (Cristin Michele) are trying to stay alive for the night to trying battle these odd people. Which they are back from the dead and in the need of human flesh.

Directed by Jeff Broadstreet made an watchable but misfired remake of Romero's classic "Night of the Living Dead". One of the reasons why Broadstreet remade this film, because of the copyright laws. Which Romero's film is in public domain. Which Broadstreet didn't want to remake this film at first. But oddly enough, this film seems more under budget than Romero's movie. Which there's not enough Zombie action. Which this Second Remake certainly needed and the script has a completely ridiculous third act. Which it's a downer and fun is over, once the third act steps in. The characters of Tom and Judy are sacrificed and the two are extremely lame but they are only bit characters in this version. Which you only see them about five minutes in the picture.

This feature is in 3-D only like the original theatrical release. There's no 2-D versions in this DVD. DVD has an sharp anamorphic Widescreen (1.78:1) transfer and an good Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound. DVD has an amusing commentary track by producer/director:Broadstreet, editor/screenwriter: Robert Valding and actor:Sid Haig. Which Haig has an supporting role as a mortician. Which he's good for a few laughs in the movie and as well in the commentary track. DVD includes Three Featurettes, Blooper Reel and more. The second remake of NOTLD is fun to watch on a Halloween Night but it's insulting for the fans of Romero's. Which Romero wrote the original screenplay with John A. Russo (Midnight, Return of the Living Dead). Probably the worst thing in the second remake that Broadstreet has the original NOTLD playing on television is some scenes, which it probably made the die-hard fans of the original very angry. It's a forgettable movie. It would have been much better if the script was better, Broadstreet had better film-making skills and a bigger budget. But at least, the cast is decent. Despite some amateurish acting and lousy dialogue at times. (***/*****).
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