Pleasant enough but certainly NOT unique and you may just hate Joe E. Brown!
16 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Often you look back at a decade and wonder how some of the stars of the day became popular--especially since they didn't age very well. While there are countless examples over the last few decades, when it comes to the 1930s, a name that comes to mind for me is Joe E. Brown. While several of his movies were pleasant time-passers, his rather obnoxious and rubber-faced characters are often difficult to like and remind me of a pushy 6 year-old that insists on entertaining all the visitors to his parents' home. Try as I might, I just cannot find Brown to be anything more than adequate (at best)--yet in the 30s his films were huge money makers for Warner Brothers.

Take this film, ELMER THE GREAT. Brown plays a difficult to like doofus who is basically very selfish, dumb and conceited. Additionally, his "funny" attributes are that he loves to sleep and eat. This sounds like my Uncle Tom--and no one in my family would consider him funny or charming!! Yet, the audience is expected to pull for him and care about his fate. Sorry, but I just couldn't.

Now apart from Brown's rather unlikable character, the rest of the film is fine. The supporting cast and baseball scenes are pretty interesting and worth a peek. But that's really about it.

By the way, the surprise ending finds Elmer saving the day by betting on his team to win the world series instead of accepting money from gamblers to throw the World Series. Isn't this sort of like what got Pete Rose in trouble?!?!
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