1/2 a Great Horror Movie...
20 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Recently widowed George C. Scott rents an enormous, historic home and soon finds out it's haunted by a child and his creepy wheelchair. Like something out of Val Lewton, the first 1/2 of the film is terrifying without any blood, gore or boogey men even being shown. There's a lot of loud thumping, a very disturbing child's ball, and a really creepy séance. Unfortunately, the second half of the film degenerates into an all too logical wrap up reminiscent of an early 80s TV crime show. Scott is very good and Trish van Devere is great as the building's preservationist and his only ally. Medak is a classy director and the film is extremely well-made, although the fact that the recently widowed Scott decides to rent such an enormous house is a bit of lapse in logic. The reliable supporting cast includes Madeline Sherwood and Melvyn Douglas as a sneaky senator. Jean Marsh appears briefly as Scott's wife.
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