Cavemen: The Cavewoman (2007)
Season 1, Episode 3
she shaves her legs with a chain-saw
23 October 2007
I just thought this was a very funny episode. I love the idea of a cave-woman. I didn't see them going that course. Hell, why not? I hope we see more cave-women, and why not baby cavemen too? I think this show is getting better as it goes along. The writing is witty and fun. I almost wish this show was an hour long. I think if the writers feel the show is headed for the chopping block, they should go for broke and take this show to another level. Its too bad most people just don't get it. Maybe more will catch on? I just think it goes over the heads of most Americans. Thats too bad people can't see or read between the lines and see what this show is really trying to say.
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