Fetishistic soft-core erotica + Sable whooping ass = Czechploitation ?!
4 November 2007
This movie seems to be trying to fulfill as many fetishes as it can within its 95 minutes. In just about every shot you'll see one or more of the following things: nudity, lesbian kissing / fondling / caressing, light bondage, tight leather uniforms, schoolgirl uniforms, lingerie, high heels, and even some mild girl-to-girl torture. And in the middle of all this, a muscular Rena Mero (AKA highly popular ex-WWF and WWE diva Sable) tries to bring down an entire white slavery operation, strips down to her lingerie, shows her killer abs, takes a shower, and kicks a little ass with spinning kicks and such. Obviously this is NOT a good movie (everything about it screams cheapness), but at least it's a lot less disturbing and exploitative than it could have been, and I must admit I didn't see the major plot twist coming. Apparently this director has done so much stuff similar to this in the Czech Republic that a new term - Czechploitation - has been invented just for him! (**)
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