Dark Mind (2006)
AKA Dark Mind- obviously inspired by "a beautiful mind" not bad for an independent.
8 December 2007
Imagination, creativity and story telling are the three things Hollycrap are incapable of, that is why they feed on accomplished independents to steal their life force and package it woven with their government propaganda. This is a rather imaginative movie with a very sexy Lyndsy Fonseca that is obviously inspired by the script of "a beautiful mind" but goes places that script could never go.

PLOT: A wiry small inventor spaz is a child prodigy that has fizzled in his adult years and is trying to invent the next big thing. The pressure of creating it has obviously twisted the poor boy up pretty bad and now the mob might be after him to try and collect their money or is it the government trying to steal his hard work to use it for their profit? Seems like everyone has an angle to try and steal his work and so much of it has been stolen already for corporate profits at his expense so he must always watch his back, but it just keeps getting harder and harder....

Highlights- a very sexy leading lady- meow to Lyndsy Fonseca I want one for Xmas. A midget- midgets are good for surreal films like this. The apartment reminded me of Naked Lunch or Barton Fink's apartment- very claustrophobic and old. All in all this is a study of the wiry spaz inventor's mind and if that isn't interesting to you, the movie won't be. No special effects to speak of but some decent suspense and a fairly strong attempt at being a credible movie on a low budget- this movie winds up being better than several more expensive ventures because of the imagination used.
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