Review of Candyman

Candyman (1992)
Good start, goes bad
5 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The first half of this film is about average for a mystery-thriller. Madsen plays a woman researching the urban myth of a hook-handed murderer. This is for a Ph.D. thesis. So our heroine is well above average in intelligence. She finds evidence that the myth may have basis in fact. She investigates, going to the scene of two murders. She is attacked by thugs, sustaining serious eye injury. Magically, a few days later she she is healed. (That is forgivable.) Not long after, she acts as if nothing had happened to her. She takes no care for her safety. She enters a parking garage. (Why do somany bad films have parking garage scenes?). She hears her name called from a great distance away. Normal people would hurry to get into their car and escape. Not our girl. She freezes, dropping her keys. Aw, c'mon. We are expected to believe that this woman is, in one scene, brilliant. Then, in the next, she is abysmally stupid. Inconsistency in a character is textbook bad script writing. The film then becomes unwatchable. Don't waste your time with this drivel.
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