Carpoolers (2007–2008)
Carpoolers deserves to be cancelled
9 January 2008
Last night I watched the episode titled "The Seminar". Frankly I was confused what the working relationship was with all of the characters. One is a dentist but seems to be an employee of a company that treats their staff like high school students. The whole premise is so unrealistic that the viewer cannot even concentrate on the plot line. Making matters worst is the fact that the writing for this series is awful relying on uninteresting clichés and tired plot lines. Within 30 minutes the show managed to: 1 - Introduce pornography to a newly married couple and the office where the main characters work 2 - Establish a prospective home-buyer making a decision to purchase based on the perception that the neighborhood and their real estate agent was a "swinger" 3 - Introduce a 1990's Sexual Harassment seminar and officer who was so far out of bounds that each employee would have sued the company 3 - Tagged an employee literally with a flag on their cubical as "under investigation" for sexual harassment 4 - Included the obligatory midget into the plot line for no apparent purpose 5 - Suggested a real estate agent would give away more than $2000 in espresso machines to anyone who visit her open house 6 – Force into the show a character that does an awful imitation of Napoleon Dynamite and another who is a whinier adult version of Steve Erkel 7 – Stereotyped all men to look like immature sexist idiots 9 – Not introduce a single likable character 10 - Make the primary plot line that the lead character (a dentist) would have sex with the sexual harassment officer (please)

The best part of this show is the shows musical introduction which I will down load to my ipod so I do not have to endure another episode of what I consider to be the worst sitcom I have ever experienced.
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