Romero's name shouldn't even be associated with this movie!
26 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is terrible! The few good things about it are the tits, Sid Haig, and maybe the special effects. Everything else sucks!!!! So yeah I'm suppose to fill this comment box with ten lines to have it posted. But the problem is I pretty much summed up the movie in twenty two words or two lines. So the 8 lines remaining is just a bunch of jibber jabber. One part in the movie which I found stupid as f%$# is when Ben comes to the rescue on his bike. The way he punched the zombie was sooooooo stupid! If I had a spoon handy I would have dug my eyeballs out!!!! I also found another screw up that wasn't posted on IMDb. The scene where Sid Haig's character enters the house and cooper (who had been bitten earlier on the neck, and had a bandage on it) is standing there with no bandage on his neck, the next scene he has the bandage on his neck again.
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