Review of 9

9 (2005)
Bizarre but captivating
9 February 2008
This film was nominated for the Oscar for Best Animated Short Film for 2006 and although it did not win, it deserves kudos for creating a very strange yet beautiful alternate world.

The film begins with two creatures who are practically impossible to describe--they are that odd. However, a monstrous robot-like predator arrives and quickly sucks the soul out of one--while the other tries to escape. Being a very tenacious creature, it gives chase and most of the film consists of the creature trying to kill the smaller and weaker one.

Graphically, this film is all computer generated and looks like a darker version of the Odd World characters created for several gaming systems. While very dark (not just in spirit but in lighting), the film abounds with wonderfully detailed and rendered graphics. It was exciting to watch and I look forward to more from this creative team.
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