The whole case is BS! And your knee deep in it!
21 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
(Some Spoilers) When two exonerated repeat sex offenders, Dean Harvey & William Bosler, are found poisoned to death with their long locks of hair shown off the main suspect in their murders is the Assistant District Attorney who prosecuted them Katy Wesson.

Miss. Wesson, or Katy, has a near-perfect record in convictions with the exception of just two, in over well over one hundred, cases. The two that got away from Katy in having them convicted and put behind bars just happened to be Harvey & Bosler!

Put on the case of the poisoned and exonerated sex offenders are detectives Tom Chaney and his gay, who makes a point of that fact, partner Rod Lambeau. The two make a very strange pair with Chaney always looking for action in getting in bed with women he picks up at local nightclubs and the far more serious Lambeau looking for clues, and in some cases going undercover in drag, on the internet to track down criminals. Lambeau is also very into human psychology and body movements that in the end helps him break this very strange and baffling case. A fact that his partner Det. Chaney, who's only body movements he's interested in are that of sexy and curvy women, tragically overlooked.

It's Det. Chaney who in trying to track down both Harvey and Bosler's killer gets, or so he thinks, romantically involved with Assistant D.A Katy Wesson. Katy who's been hearing impaired since she was a little girl has her weirdo as well as Siamese-twin-like, in that he seems to be psychically connected to Katy, interpreter of sigh language Josh Kane with her almost at all times. This get's Det. Chaney a bit ticked off at him in feeling that Kane, an obnoxious and overbearing pain in the neck, is standing between him and his love Katy! At the same time Kane who has absolutely no use for Det. Chaney or his partner Lambeau is somehow involved with Katy's widowed mom Pauline Wesson.

***SPOILER ALERT***Mrs. Wesson is not only insanely overprotective of her deft daughter Katy but is also keeping a number of facts about her childhood from both the police, who are investigating her, and her psychiatrist Dr. Janice Blakin. Dr. Balkin is trying to cure Katy from an extremely traumatic event in her childhood: Katy's father's murder! Det. Chaney has meanwhile gotten, to the point of losing his sanity and his job, completely infatuated with Katy. Det. Chaney's obsession with Katy gets to the point where he's given a warning from the court to stay within 100 yards from her in the fact that she accused him of not only constantly stalking her but also beating her up!

This whole off the wall adventure comes full circle when Det. Chaney, with the help of his concerned partner Det. Lambeau, finally realizes just who and what he's dealing with. By then that it's a bit too late for him to do anything but, together with Katy Wesson, suffer the consequences!
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