The Invisible (2007)
All around mediocre
28 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The underlying plot is perhaps do-able if it were presented with good acting, and believable screenplay, but this one nose dives from the start and flies lazy boring circles all the way to the pathetic impact with the ground at the end. The characters are neither believable, nor well acted. There are a few designated villains, whose only role is to be villains. An uncaring mother who actually cares. Whoa, exciting stuff eh? A bad girl who is really OK, it's just that she has a tough family life. Even for bored suburban kids this is just pathetic. It's not just plot holes, but the characters themselves who are unbelievable.

One of the main characters is a boy who only seems to know how to cringe and whimper. He's supposed to be the protagonists best friend, but what really pulls or holds them together? Nothing that meets the eye in the film. He gets a little cut on his hand and falls apart. The protagonist pays his bills for him like a wimp. His Mom finds out he is flying to London and he immediately abandons his carefully laid plans without a squeak. He even throws/gives his ticket away. What a maroon.

What really cooked it for me is when he is standing there while Annie takes a shower. He isn't even looking at her. OK, fine, no problem with the idea that the audience doesn't get to see anything, but what 18 year old straight (the film seems to indicate this) male is going to stand next to a good looking young woman and not even sneak a glance. Unrealistic? Floridly unrealistic. He doesn't even appear interested.

Or how about when Annie pulls a gun on the cops and manages an impossible escape, then breaks into the school with the flick of a knife (no alarms?), and sleeps on a mat in the gymnasium. In fact, she seems to have the run of the whole set with impunity. And speaking of running and getting around with ease, how do you do that after a major gunshot wound to the abdomen? We get a sappy sound track, a sappy background story about the girl and her little brother, and a long, drawn out, uninspiring, uninteresting plot with unbelievable characters and plot holes galore. What's not to like about that? I gave it a 3.
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