Married Life (2007)
Rather Unimpressive
4 March 2008
I saw this movie last night and was really looking forward to it. I had the expectation based on the preview that it was going to be a clever dark comedy with interesting plot twists to keep me on my toes. I tell you this, so that you know my perspective. I was very disappointed, because although there were a few laughs here and there, this movie is actually very dull. If the expectation is that you are seeing a somber period piece that boils down to a quiet meditation on a flawed marriage, and that this meditation is rather superficial, perhaps you will like it better than I did.

Forgive me for saying this, but at the Q&A after the screening I got the feeling that Chris Cooper and Patricia Clarkson saw this one as a job. They were intrigued by the material, but soon found themselves doing very little on screen. Patricia Clarkson has one scene with three to four lines of interesting dialog, and after that, her character devolves into a stereotype. Chris Cooper gets to play a good range of emotion now and then, but in the end he was forced to play a stereotype as well. I cannot help but say that all of the actors involved came to this period piece and submitted to the vision of the director, only to find that he really didn't have one.

This movie truly suffers for this reason. The plot is very linear with few twists or surprises. The characters are very superficial and behave inconsistently at times, coming across as simple stereotypes. And the film is rarely engaging as a drama and occasionally clever as a comedy.

It is a shame to see a cast this strong stand around and wonder why they are bored. But if you happen to see it and know what to expect, perhaps it can be enjoyed for what it is; a simple tale about a marriage that could have been a short film.
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