Two richly comic performances from Murray and Dreyfuss...
19 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Not since Jack Nicholson played a manipulative, obsessive-compulsive, germ free freak in "As Good As It Gets", has any actor shown such ability as BILL MURRAY does in WHAT ABOUT BOB? to play a neurotic man from the city who has to talk himself into having enough courage to leave his apartment. He's a lovable enough guy, though, who talks to his goldfish and has an otherwise amiable disposition.

Murray is able to draw a fine line between being obnoxious (which he certainly is to Dr. Marvin, played by RICHARD DREYFUSS), to being a charming oaf who wins the approval of the doctor's vacationing family after faking his own suicide with the man's answering service in order to learn where the doctor's vacation spot is.

Of course, all of its grossly exaggerated--as any story would be that deals with a man who drives his own psychiatrist crazy, or at least over the edge, as Murray does. By film's end, Dreyfuss is a wreck of a man who even goes so far as to attach explosives to Murray to get rid of him! And naturally, all of his schemes to rid himself of this clinging neurotic are useless. Murray turns up like a bad penny even after the doctor has assumed him dead--and the vacation home is reduced to zero in an explosion.

Hilariously funny material is given a real boost by the performances of Murray and Dreyfuss, who play off each other with goofy insolence and, at times, in touching and poignant ways. Murray hasn't given this fine a comic performance since GHOSTBUSTERS and Dreyfuss matches him every step of the way.

Julie Hagerty is fun as Dreyfuss' feather-brained wife who enjoys the amiable side of Murray's personality and his utter unpredictability--the very qualities that drive Dreyfuss further and further off his rocker.

I found myself laughing out loud at some of the shenanigans--and all of it is very worthwhile to watch and totally unpredictable.
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