In Apple Blossom Time
19 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
In Vienna, before The Great War (aka World War I), dashing Erich von Stroheim (as Nicki) is a Prince with little family money; therefore, parents George Fawcett and Maude George (as Prince and Princess von Wildeliebe-Rauffenburg) want their son to wed the wealthy, but crippled, Zasu Pitts (as Cecelia). Mr. von Stroheim seems game; though, obviously, he plans to continue bedding maids and other girlies. However, attending the "Corpus Christi" celebration, he meets impoverished beauty Fay Wray (as Mitzi). And, for von Stroheim and Ms. Wray, it's love at first sight. As if matters weren't complicated enough for the mutually attracted pair, Wray has been promised to spitting butcher Mathew Betz (as Schani). Will von Stroheim marry for love, or money?

"The Wedding March" is a very well-produced film, but Stroheim miscasts himself as the romantic young "love child"; and, he takes more than a little getting used to. When Wray falls in love with him, Stroheim recalls, all decked out, the cruel "Iron Man" knight which helps open the film. By the end, this appears to have been intentional. The film is, also, way too lengthy; while possessing some lovely images, it drowns itself in a sea of apple blossoms. The soft focus lens is unnecessarily excessive on Wray's beautiful, young face. The actresses perform very well (Wray, Pitts and George); and the photography, including a color segment by Ray Rennahan, is luxurious.

****** The Wedding March (10/6/28) Erich von Stroheim ~ Erich von Stroheim, Fay Wray, ZaSu Pitts
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