Totally unexpected, this was a great movie!
5 May 2008
Don't believe the negative reviews on this one. Its easily the most underrated movie I have come across, and can best be described as a hidden gem for the ones who like historical adventure/action-movies (Braveheart/Gladiator/Kingdom of Heaven/Robin Hood) and fantasy-movies.

Others have described it better here on IMDb, so I am just going to say this: It is not a historical correct piece, and do not try to be. It should be viewed as a fantasy, even though the vikings portrayed and their buildings/settlement is the most realistic I have seen in any movie to date.

Btw: To all you who like the above-mentioned movies for the big battle-scenes and sword-fighting, don't expect this one to have its major impact in that area (even though it got them). On the other hand this movie portrays a much more realistic take on fighting in pre-medieval times. Instead of having the one super-hero defying all logic, you get a band of fighting comrades which together becomes a fierce force. There is a fantastic cast in this movie, with Banderas, Storhøi and Kulich making their characters come truly alive.

This is a great adventure of a movie, which should be regarded alongside the other movies I mentioned above.

9/10 - Must see for all who like adventure/fantasy
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