I found a VHS!
25 May 2008
I used to watch this show when I was a kid as well. I am now 23.

I was at work about 1 year ago and I caught out of the corner of my eye, HIGH UP on top of a book cabinet the side of a VHS jacket/box which said "WIDGETS GREAT WHALE ADVENTURE and THE GREAT BRAIN ROBBERY".

I blinked a few times in disbelief that this video was even at my work let alone abandoned, covered in dust and just sitting there.

Well, I left this work place about 3 months ago to move interstate and I asked my boss what was with the video on the top of the cabinet. She had no idea - so, I asked her if i could have it, because it was a favorite of mine when I was a kid.

SHE SAID YES! Although it's so not my thing anymore seeing as I'm 23 - at least I can say I have two episodes on VHS, absolutely brand spanking new and in great condition - might show the kids one day when I have some haha
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