The Brotherhood of the Bell (1970 TV Movie)
Real drama in a 1970 TV movie!
29 May 2008
I thoroughly enjoyed "The Brotherhood of the Bell" when I saw it on TV in the Fall of 1970. I have thought about it many times over the years. If anyone knows where I may obtain a copy or when I may view it on TV, etc., please post the information. I would very much like to view this movie again just to verify that it really is as good as I remember it.

The movie is about a secret fraternity and the life thrust upon one of its members. Once in the fraternity, there seems to be no way out. But why would one want out of the good life? It is the most intense drama I can remember. The movie rivals the Janet Leigh shower scene in "Psycho". It definitely weaves a plausible scenario with the viewer considering what the next move will be. The director plays with your emotions as easily as someone might play the piano.

Oh, yes! I would love to see this movie again!
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