Andrei Rublev (1966)
At a loss
12 July 2008
How to describe in words all there is in this? I'm not sure, but I will give it a shot. This is the first piece by the director that I've seen. I don't know much about Russia, their history or the culture(which, I've come to realize, may be a prerequisite to follow it, at least being informed about the time and the place), and I haven't learned the language, but the subtitles(though I understand that apparently not everything is translated) certainly help. The plot is well-told. There is impressive imagery in this, both in the visuals and in the dialog. The latter holds truth and is well-written. Deep, poetic, haunting. The acting is magnificent. There are universal themes herein. The editing and cinematography are excellent. Neither leave much of anything to be desired. The war-scenes are an achievement... so much chaos on the screen, yet when we're meant to focus on something, we do, and anything that's supposed to be noticed, is. There is violent and/or disturbing, but none that felt gratuitous, material in this. There is some nudity in this, and it is not captured in a way as to conceal it. The Andrei Tarkovsky Collection DVD has several features, including interviews, and they are worth watching. I recommend this to anyone interested in the medium of film as an art form. 10/10
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