Review of Expired

Expired (2007)
not 'easy viewing'
12 August 2008
about halfway through this film i came here to see if i should continue... like i said, 'not easy viewing'. granted, i've seen 'harsher' films...slower films...less 'adrenalized' films...and many films that TRY to be this film that, at the end, i sit and wonder, 'WHY did i put myself through THAT?!!?!' but i knew that when i got to the end of this ride, i had come to the end of some brave storytelling... the strong point of this film would seem to be the casting/execution of parts...everyone seems to excel in communicating their part of the story...and it IS both dark and quirky...and designed to not 'coddle' us, unlike so many stories with their eye on success. not that i'm knocking success... but the point, i guess, is that this IS a success although i doubt it will EVER be a best seller... like i said, brave story telling...moments of absurdity(takes comic relief a step further) relief... if you didn't find this comment helpful, why'd you read this far?
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