Pretty impressive
1 September 2008
Best movie ever. Best comic book movie ever. Best performance of an actor playing a crazed clown.... ever. Before I got cuffed upside the head with a bat-a-rang, this is my humble opinion. So if your a frothing fan boy who is going to spam me and b*tch about my opinion, (hey at least I know I am having an audience!) than just dl the script and make little script babies with it till your hearts content. First off the .. BAD! ha you thought I was going to start with the good. OK, what is up with Batman's Batman voice? I thought about it, and was like, maybe he has to smoke like 12 cigars and go clubbing in a nicotine infested dance floor while shouting out the lyrics to ACDC's thunderstruck in order to " hide" his Bruce Wayne voice, but every time Christian Bale used this tactic, I cringed in my seat. Umm, uncool. Secondly, Rachel Dawes (sp?) Her character is so out of place in this mythology, its painful. The movie is filled with nods to the comic's characters, I don't ever recall a Rachel from the books ( I could be wrong). Maggie G. is a fantastic actress, and I understand why her character is in place to motivate another character's actions but her character was the weakest link. I had as much emotional attachment to her as I did my 8th grade teacher. ( that was a slam btw) Thirdly, the tragedy. This one can not be helped, but Heath owns this movie. Every scene he is in, you can't take your eyes off the screen. The Joker here is Batman's ultimate nemesis, as he should be. It sucks realizing that his character can not be continued, and it sucks that an amazing actor left, but what a legacy. I doubt his performance will be topped. Now the good. ( and you thought I was a meanie :P) Heath obviously. The script is well paced, and though the movie is epic long ( 2 and a half hours me thinks) your so involved with the screen shenanigans, time just flies by. Nolan addressed his action faults from the first movie, and the action is filmed more clearly and with more heroic gusto. Now the main draw. This movie pushes an moral ambiguity through the film. I have to emphasize this especially through Harvey Dent. When you see this movie, it will bring up questions. Not stupid questions like when you watched Batman & Robin, but questions that burn a hole in the entire perception of duality in man. Wow. All and all, a great movie. Perfect? Far from it, but dangerously close. I can't wait, because of Nolan's achievement has changed the landscape of what to expect from a comic movie. It's still not the best comic book movie I've seen, but damn, what a ride. The days of crappy comic cop outs may be coming to end. ( see, I wasn't too malicious ;)
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