A Fun romp & an interesting take
4 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
On the Butch Cassidy~Sundance Kid Legend. I saw it on a preview before another DVD movie, (actually I was scene speeding), and it looked so interesting I "rewound" it and it looked very cool, so I hired it on my next trip to the video shop. ("DVD shop" sounds weird, lol).

While I expected the movie to be longer and with more twists, more turns and perhaps a few booby traps (I dunno perhaps I've seen too many Indiana Jones movies, lol...) Though it was a very interesting take on the legend and an enjoyable watch, my 2 beefs were the bad guys should have had more oomph (and better lines) and the girl seemed out of character in places. A city girl gone country - although her attire was right for the period, the frump skirt didn't suit her adventurous nature ... And her character - at first she was screeching at being thrown into the back of a van and later, completely comfortable leaping from a height onto a speeding train? And then later on when they were in the mine she asked in a timid voice ... "are you sure is this safe?..." - Probably safer than jumping onto a moving locomotive, Dear....

Although I enjoyed the movie, such character flaws (and bad scripting) takes me out of it. That aside, I liked Jess' character best for his enthusiasm and adventurous spirit and faith and of course Butch ... and Sundance was cute! It's definitely worth a look-see for a run romp through history and legend.
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