A dark dark tale, masterfully told
10 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
So many people reviewing this film on IMDb seem to focus on the sweet friendship between it's 12 year old human and vampire leads. While this is a huge element of the film, this is a sweet story of childhood friendship in the same way 'The Godfather' is the story of a fathers concerns and worries for his kids; both true descriptions, its just that you would be missing the point if you came away from either film thinking that is what you had seen.

In truth, 'Let the right one in' is about as dark a film as you can get, and its a measure of its brilliant story telling that having seen it a week ago, its disturbing echoes have stayed with me and refuse to go away.

It's also one of those films best enjoyed without prior knowledge, but impossible to review properly without disclosing plot elements, so be warned - SPOILERS AHEAD.

As another comment here has said, it's the character Håkan that is the key to this story; for at the end of the film we are led to believe Oskar is stepping into his place. It is that fact, revealed in the final scene that gives the film its dark and nightmarish core; the blossoming friendship we have been witness to prior to this will offer no redemption to Oskar if this is path his relationship with Eli takes.

Håkan butchers boys not much older than Oskar as food for Eli. In this story, where the storytelling is of the highest order so many of its darkest whispers are just that, hinted and suggested at. Questions are alluded to that play on the mind, but are never answered. Why does Håkan pick these victims ? presumably they are Eli's preference. What does that say about Eli's interest in Oskar ? What is Eli's true nature ? She has been twelve "for a very long time", but we briefly glimpse her true physical age, in fact she is in late middle age; roughly the same age as Håkan. Her gift to Oskar in the films last moments; the brutal slaughter of his child tormentors. Entranced in her glamour, this makes Oskar happy, but how can this be happy or good ?

And then they go off happily into the sunset, Oskar presumably to be deadened to the soul destroyed husk of a person Håkan had become, butchering his fellow humans to provide Eli with food. You can see why I am puzzled when people think this film is sweet. In fact its conclusion is utterly chilling; Oskar has happily swapped the commonplace misery of childhood bullying for a fate that will truly be hell on earth and you know as he happily smiles in the films last shot that he doesn't have a clue.

None the less, it's superlative and a film I would heartily recommend. Like the greatest horror tales it succeeds by suggestion and playing on the imagination. It is also a truly great addition to the vampire cannon, a thing that can be said of very few variations on Bram Stokers brilliant original.
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