Review of Normal Life

Normal Life (1996)
Far more psychologically fierce than Bonnie and Clyde
23 November 2008
Both films were based on characters and the budgets were many millions of dollars apart in spite of the fact, in B and C we NEVER get to know either of the characters and what today is so outdated, is made up by the incredible performance of Ashley Judd, who employs no clichés of a a wild drunk and does not reveal herself as a clearly bipolar,drugged out mess. Later, to his credit the script writer does not delve into her childhood past beyond one scene,thus throwing pity at her.This is way truer than fashion icon Bonnie whose famous line "we rob banks" thrilled people and made heroes out of them and Theodora Van Runkle.Most surprising is Luke Perry (with bad mustache created to make him not so baby faced)who is really good and we get a glimpse of how honorable a man is who falls for a gorgeous unpredictable girl/woman whose heroes and myths lie in astronomy and chaos and lack of fear.I have known two women like them and been in love with them who were equally beautiful and could be so appealing and sexy one minute and the next out of their minds. In their case it was a lot of speed when it was legal,and they fascinated a lot of guys whose lives they messed up before dumping them prior to me. I had to leave them because they had such power. One married 5 times to millionaires and institutionalized while the other is now the most normal mother who looks great and goes to PTA meetings.She was exactly like the Judd character while the other drove around Hollywood with shotguns her classic sports cars and a Bentleys drinking champagne.Exactly like Judd's character. This film is far more real and explains the unexplainable but it usually has to do with drugs and booze while in B and C it was fashionable to love the underdog during the depression and feel compassion for them. Ashley Judd, again is a genuinely intelligent and gorgeous actress with an educational b.g. which is astonishing and may have influenced the director/writer to involve her in the astronomy which was a masterful quirky touch.The dialogue rings true and again Perry and her amaze.
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