Robot Chicken: Star Wars (2007 TV Short)
Not long ago in a galaxy not far enough away….
2 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Once I saw a video of an interview to the creators of South Park in which they say that they should have formed a rock band in order to get the girls since their bigger followers are teenage boys! It was a very funny interview and in this great but short Star Wars Special of the great show Robot Chicken we see George Lucas arriving to a Star Wars convention so you can imagine his "groupies" and we see especially one fan boy whose greatest day was the day when he saved George Lucas from lots of fan boys! To be honest I have seen few episodes of Robot Chicken but with that I can say it is a great show and definitely I would like to see more Robot Chicken. This Star Wars special was mentioned in the Star Wars special of Family Guy (a very funny joke at the very end of that special that is also very good and funny stuff) and basically when I heard the character Chris saying that Robot Chicken did the same before was when I realized about the existence of this Star Wars special and recently I came with its DVD and certainly I bough it.

Each sketch is fun, some of them shorter some of them funnier but each one of them help in order to have a very fast paced show (yes it is a short special but you will feel that its runtime is only about 10 minutes!). Certainly I love Star Wars, I love the first movies and I like the prequels but it's been a long time since I watched those films for the last time, in other words I'm not a big connoisseur of Star Wars, I didn't knew who was that character that loses his arm and because of that his job also but that sketch was hilarious and definitely is one of my favourites (he still could draw! but still he didn't saved his job) just as the sketch of the blue guy who looks like an elephant and who is a grammy winning singer (his songs are awesome! Why do I look like an elephant?). Other favourite of mine is the one with the men of Darth Vader, we see how they survive, extremely funny and here the power of Darth Vader of strangulation ends just being part of his imagination, also we see a private who has been strangled over 30 times! And was funny to see that private in another sketch that is also hilarious: the one that is about Darth Vader having the visit of an old friend, an old and extremely annoying friend who certainly is still annoying and who still calls him Ani! Of course I'm talking of Jar Jar Binks, very memorable and even that Darth Vader is Darth Vader he just can't get rid of Jar Jar. Emperor Palpatine (voice of Seth McFarlane) is also on fire, there's a guy who dance sort of like Napoleon Dynamite, Luke had sex with Leia and George Bush dreamed about being a Jedi and fighting against Abraham Lincoln (Bush call him George Washington!). Terrific fun!

DVD Extras: 5 deleted scenes (storyboards), time lapse, photo gallery, panel presentation, production design, alternate audio, behind the scenes, trailers (the one with George Lucas at the therapist is hilarious!), on air bumps, animation meeting and chicken nuggets (video commentary by Seth Green and Matthew Senreich).
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