More Horrible then Horror
19 December 2008
What we have here isn't the original 1968 Night of the Living Dead re-released in 3D. It's a remake following the same script (mostly) only this time out it's a horror-comedy. In 3D. Couple of things about that. First off, it isn't 3D. Sure, there are shots of vomit or bullets coming at the camera using cheap CGI effects (think Babylon 5) but that doesn't make it 3D. Nextly, the comedy. There is only one joke in this film and it gets worked harder then a 10 year old in a Macao soccer ball factory. Check it out, the original Night of the Living Dead is playing on a television in the film and the characters constantly point out how their situation is 'Like we're in a zombie movie'. Funny stuff...very original. The bad acting and mugging to the camera robs the film of any real suspense and the claustrophobic tension of the original. The final problem with the horror aspect is the producers decided to cheap out on the zombie make up. Instead of prosthetic appliances being attached directly to the actors skin they used discount masks. The result is, well, trick or treaters in dirty clothes. Romero has made a career off one idea and some of his Dead films have been pretty lame, Land of the Dead comes to mind, but none of them are as awful as this piece of sh--, you get the idea. Skip this, read a book.
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