Blue Turning Grey Over You
25 January 2009
In 1861, United States naval officer James Dunn (as Kenneth Reynolds) courts southern born Mae Clarke (as Constance Jordan), the sister of his best friend, and fellow officer, David Manners (as Raymond Jordan). When Civil War breaks out, Mr. Manners elects to join up with the Confederate States, alongside his home state of Virginia. Inevitably, Mr. Dunn must go into battle against his former friend, as sister Clarke begs him not to…

"Hearts in Bondage" reveals actor Lew Ayres to be a competent, promising director. Dunn, Clarke, and Manners don't do much for the admittedly predictable story. For awhile, it almost seemed like Henry B. Walthall was going to fight on the side of the North, but he defected to his "Birth of a Nation" roots. "Mammy" Etta McDaniel looks remarkably like her sister Hattie. George "Gabby" Hayes and Smiley Burnette are among the well spotted character actors.

**** Hearts in Bondage (5/26/36) Lew Ayres ~ James Dunn, Mae Clarke, David Manners, Henry B. Walthall
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