Review of Love Matters

Love Matters (2009)
Not one of Neo's brighter moments, but far from being bad.
5 March 2009
"Love Matters" the latest addition from director Jack Neo, is nearly a mixed bag. I haven't seen the trailers, but I did laugh myself silly in the theaters, but still there were quite a lot of flaws in this movie. This is not one of Neo's brightest marks, however it is a far cry from being abysmal.

It is a sex comedy without nudity. Most of the sex is off the screen or referenced by dialog, for that, it is fine, because the film does have some big belly-laugh moments. However the some of the film's flaws comes from its technical aspects. The editing and sound mixing (you'll hear why in one scene) are poor, and it looks like an expensive telefilm. Also, the film keeps referencing some of Jack's previous films, like "That One Not Enough" and his best effort, "I Not Stupid 2". However the pace is fine, assuring that the audience will not be bored. Neo's trademark story structure (laughs to drama to laughs again) is evident.

However the acting and directing is a mixed bag. Henry Thia and Yann Yann Yeo are some standouts. Jack Lim is good, though like a fellow commenter said, most of his jokes seem to be cut out for time constraints (the movie is 2 hours long!). A cameo from Mark Lee is hilarious. The young actors, however, can't act their way out of a paper bag. The direction is mixed, as Neo has brought in newcomer Gilbert Chan to co-direct the film with him. In some scenes the direction feels forcibly rushed, and in others it is fluid.

In short, the film is a mixed bag, but I laughed at most of the jokes in the film, meaning it is NOT a waste of time and money. I hope that Neo, however, does a better job than this, because he can.

Entertainment value: 8/10

Overall: 6/10
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