Review of YPF

YPF (2007)
Ally McBeal + Ed Burns Movie = this turd
11 March 2009
What a bloody awful movie and proof that IMDb users are so middle of the road.

I only saw this because it was on Movie Channel and I'm trying to get my money's worth. I was actually expecting something out of the ordinary, but wow it couldn't be anymore Ordinary. I love good comedy, but this isn't even mediocre comedy. I couldn't force myself to laugh once. The Ally McBeal "screwball" acting that has infected the minds of so many unsuspecting conventional people wears thin very fast. There isn't one ounce of anything that feels genuine. It's all so "scripted" and the actors are obviously not capable of saving the whole clichéd affair.

Even worse, the characters are unlikeable in a post-Seinfeld kind of way. Just grating and totally void of wit. I offer the character of Ken as exhibit A, a 2-dimensional "playa" that probably every office cubicle jockey aspires to. All high concept and no character. Yawn.

Even worse again, those pretentious "chapter" inter-titles that divide the movie because the writer doesn't have the attention span or skill to construct a solid whole from the limp parts.

In a nutshell, Young People F---- or whatever it's called, is nothing more than a calculated opportunity for predictable and boring people to pat themselves on their backs for embracing something that's so "controversial" only because Entertainment Tonight tells them it is.

If you thought it all couldn't get any worse, the cinematography is really flat, too, aspiring to that mid-90's "indie" thing that's so popular with artsy hockey moms.

My advice: watch early Seinfeld instead. It's light years ahead of this trash with it's clever storytelling and ability to skewer human social norms.
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