Review of Gomorrah

Gomorrah (2008)
Necessarily Gritty
18 March 2009
Starting off with a mass killing in a tanning salon, Gomorra never quits its relentless pace - constant tension and anticipation of more of the same is the level at which this film works. There is not one moment of behaviour, line of plot development, capturing of characters doing what they do or detail of narrative that is not tense. Early on one knows that nothing good is going to happen to anyone whose life is traced. One is thrust into a world where violence and crime is accepted as a way of life.

This is no Scarface, and there will be no cult adoration of any of the people met observed. They aren't even handsome to look at, which is probably why the film has a documentary feel. That and the camera work, which is given to close ups and one our favourite devices - What exactly is one looking at here? Then the slow revelation as it dawns on us. Thrust into a world where violence and crime is accepted as a way of life, the camera shows the unexpected, as it should, and it is almost always violent.

Five major plot threads are followed, and the director presents them well enough for one to care to see this through. We meet a sort of bag-man for Camorra (read Mafia) and two cocky teens skirting about the edge of the crime cartel. So also does a grocery delivery boy, perhaps too smart for his own good. A somewhat idealistic young professional inadvertently is becoming entwined in unethical and certainly unhealthy business pursuits. And what will become of the tailor, teaching Chinese workers the art of the profession?

All good fiction is of course based on some truths. As the events of violence and other criminal pursuits are laid out one never has a doubt that any and all the situations portrayed have happened. Director Matteo Garrone notes in an interview that there are "hundreds of stories" in the book, but only these five were developed for the movie (

There are only a few scenes that stretch credulity. When the two youths are seen shooting by the shores of an estuary there is a major flaw - no splashes are ever seen, and be advised rapid-fire AK47s would make considerable ripples. In another moment an older woman makes a comment about her orchard that is unnecessary. But on the whole there isn't much to complain about regarding Gomorra. For grimness, though, it can't be beat, or at least it won't be soon.

Three and a half stars.
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