Review of Milk

Milk (I) (2008)
Good Study Of A Maverick Character
25 March 2009
Sean Penn's interpretation of real-life politician Harvey Milk is spot on. His completely convincing role as a gay man, a politically active one at that, again shows the remarkable actor capable of seemingly anything. But there is a bit of a letdown, to me, about this new film.

I say new because a documentary has already been about Milk (The Times of Harvey Milk, 1984), and that detracts a bit from the novelty of this work. And if you read a little about the earlier movie you will find that it was very good - 3 and a half stars from Roger Ebert alone (so you know it had to be at least pretty good!). If I would have known this story had already been covered, I would not have seen it. Remakes are almost always a bad idea. There are new ideas promulgated in Hollywood every week.

This movie follows most closely Harvey Milk's years in San Francisco. He didn't arrive there until fairly late in life - he was 42. Within a short period of time he became totally immersed in city politics. His story is certainly unique in that he flaunted his gayness in a time when that was unheard of, and he tilted at seemingly every political windmill he saw.

I leave it to you to follow his story, from local businessman - he bought a camera shop on Castro - to elected official, serving in City Hall. And we do see a bit of the personal side of Milk; he had a series of relationships over the years, and his last one was marked by tragedy.

The movie does convey some of the energy of the times, and of Milk himself; late night sessions with his colleagues, making speeches on soapboxes, pressing City Hall on an unending stream of concerns. It is intriguing how the gay community grew in power in San Francisco, and Harvey Milk was part of that renaissance.

It was at City Hall where he met his fate at the hands of fellow Supervisor Dan White - played well by Josh Brolin. Although I cannot see the reason for the Best Supporting Actor nomination Brolin received; his part is not particularly lengthy nor could it not have been done as well by another.

This is a three star movie.
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